Akron AAUP Protecting Academic Freedom For a Free Society
The University of Akron Chapter |
American Association of University Professors

On Thursday, September 2, 2021, the Faculty Senate approved the formation an Ad hoc Investment Criteria Committee.

This committee is tasked with developing quantitative and qualitative criteria for the evaluation of faculty proposals for academic investment and the review of academic programs. Recommends proposed criteria to the senate.


• This short-term committee will focus on determining the best “basket” of quantitative and qualitative criteria for the evaluation of proposals for investment in academic programs and program review.
• Prevents duplication of effort. There may be criteria suitable for both academic investment evaluation and program review; these will be easily identified through one committee.
• The committee will include an optimal mix of faculty and administrators with expertise in resource allocation and program evaluation.
• After the criteria have been developed and reported to the Faculty Senate, implementation will be carried out by the Program Review Committee and a proposed Academic Investment Committee.


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