Akron AAUP Protecting Academic Freedom For a Free Society
The University of Akron Chapter |
American Association of University Professors

AAUP Archives for the Your Rights under the Collective Bargaining Agreement: Faculty-Created Online Teaching Materials

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Your Rights under the Collective Bargaining Agreement: Faculty-Created Online Teaching Materials


FAQ: Ownership of Faculty-Created Online Teaching Materials By Bill Rich If I record lectures and put them on WebEx or Brightspace for …

Back from Spring Break


Dear Colleagues, Welcome back to the next stage of the Spring 2020 semester! This is a day or two later than we would have liked to have co …
Akron AAUP

Other than online degree programs, this could be the biggest boondoggle ever foisted upon Ohio's college students


From the blog City Beat: Excerpts from: Robin Hood in Reverse:  How universities force working-class students to pay thousands of dollars …
Akron AAUP

Well, so much for the success of profit-oriented online education "providers"…


https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/04/27/corinthian-ends-operations-remaining-campuses-affecting-16000-students …
Akron AAUP

The University of Phoenix "Model" for Higher Education: Right For UA?


Once again the call for more online education at the University of Akron is out. For years we've heard of a desire by some top administrator …
Akron AAUP

More on MOOC's


From a piece on MOOC's by Emily Wilson on Alternet. The Huge Growth of MOOCs Threatens America's Great Public University System “I’d lo …