The Akron-AAUP chapter is seeking nominations for the upcoming elections of Secretary and Treasurer. The term of office for these positions is two years.
The chapter is also seeking nominations for Vice-President. This is a special election for a one-year term.
Descriptions of these positions are as follows:
The responsibilities of the secretary shall include the following:
- keep a record of all proceedings and correspondence of the Chapter;
- send such notices as may be required;
- keep the roll of members of the Chapter;
- certify Chapter delegates to meetings of the Ohio Conference, the AAUP Collective Bargaining Congress, and national AAUP;
- prepare and (unless another person has been assigned this responsibility) oversee delivery of Chapter communications (flyers, newsletters, meeting notices, other documents) for distribution to the membership or bargaining unit.
The responsibilities of the treasurer shall include the following:
- administer the Chapter finances and keep accurate records of all moneys received and of all disbursements. These records shall be available for inspection by any Active Member;
- receive the membership dues and retain accurate records of the payment status of the members. The list of members in arrears status shall be communicated periodically to the Executive Committee;
- certify the chapter members with the national and state AAUP;
- prepare an annual budget and an annual financial report and submit them for approval at a Chapter meeting in March;
- ensure that all officials and employees of the Chapter who handle funds, trusts or other property of the Chapter or subsidiary organizations shall be bonded;
- preside, in the absence of the President and Vice President, at meetings. In the case of withdrawal of both the President and Vice President, the Treasurer shall assume the presidency of the Chapter until new officers can be elected;
- The Treasurer must be bonded and all Chapter checks must be signed by both the Treasurer and either the Chapter President, the Chapter Vice President, or another bonded person approved in writing by the Executive Committee.
Vice President
The responsibilities of the vice president shall include the following:
- serve in the President’s stead in the absence of the President;
- chair the meetings of the Executive Committee or Chapter in the absence of the President;
- perform the duties that are requested by the Executive Committee or the President.
You may nominate yourself or someone else for any of these position. Only full dues-paying chapter members may hold office or participate in chapter elections. Nominations and self-nominations are due by 5 p.m., Tuesday, April 5, 2016 to [email protected]. Be sure to specify the position for which you are submitting a nominee.
All active Akron-AAUP chapter members will receive an electronic ballot for these important leadership positions shortly after nominations close.
The Nominations and Elections Committee are Kate Budd (Chair, Chapter Past President), Pamela Schulze (Secretary), and Julie Cajigas (Communications Committee Member & Webmaster).
Being a part of the Akron-AAUP leadership team is highly meaningful service that makes a real difference to the working conditions of faculty across campus. If you are considering running for election, please note that according to the collective bargaining agreement, service to the Akron-AAUP is credited in the same manner as service to all other university committees.
We look forward to hearing from you!