Akron AAUP Protecting Academic Freedom For a Free Society
The University of Akron Chapter |
American Association of University Professors

The vote on ratification of the tentative agreement between Akron-AAUP and The University of Akron is now before the chapter’s membership for their consideration. Electronic ballots have been submitted to all dues-paying members of the chapter at their University email addresses.  The vote will end Friday, September 13 at 5:00 PM. If you have not yet received an invitation to vote there are three possible reasons why:
1. The ballot message “bounced,” probably due to a full inbox.  As of Friday September 6 we had one such notice.
2. The ballot as well as the preceding notifications may have found their ways into your “spam” folder. We edit and check all messages to minimize this possibility, but we have no influence over individual computer settings or the University’s system settings. Please check your “spam” and “deleted items” folders carefully.
3. You are not a full dues-paying member of the chapter.  The fair share (or agency) fee is paid by all members of the bargaining unit, those faculty who are covered by the terms of any contract between UA and Akron-AAUP. This does not mean that you are a “union member.”  Membership in the bargaining unit is determined by statute; membership in the union with full rights and responsibilities is always voluntary and requires submission of an application and payment of a modest additional dues amount.
Voting in the ratification election is a right of full dues-paying union members only, as is service on executive and other committees.  This is not a policy of the University or of Akron-AAUP; it’s simply a matter of state statute. Click the image below for more information.

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