Akron AAUP Protecting Academic Freedom For a Free Society
The University of Akron Chapter |
American Association of University Professors

AAUP Archives for the Protect Our Students Rally

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Protect Our Students Rally


Will you help the Negotiating Team by standing with them before they go into their negotiating session on Thursday, July 2nd? We need you th …

Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions Understandably, we have heard from many faculty with questions about the current situation. We have attempted …

Negotiations Update


Update to BUF sent June 22, 2020 As negotiations intensify, we want to keep you updated on how things are going. We plan to provide thes …

Akron-AAUP Solidarity Briefing with the Negotiating Team


Please join us Monday, June 22nd, 4-5pm for a virtual meeting with the NT. The team will give an overview of negotiations so far and answer …

Your Rights under the Collective Bargaining Agreement: Faculty-Created Online Teaching Materials


FAQ: Ownership of Faculty-Created Online Teaching Materials By Bill Rich If I record lectures and put them on WebEx or Brightspace for …

Virtual Solidarity Event


As negotiations are intensifying, the negotiating team could really use your support. Please post a picture of yourself showing a sign of so …