Akron-AAUP Wins in Aribitration: Two Faculty are Reinstated
We are pleased to announce that Akron-AAUP prevailed in the arbitration cases of Robin Prichard, Professor of Dance, and Sue Ramlo, Profess …
AAUP Proposed Affiliation with AFT: what you need to know
You may have already heard about the national AAUP’s proposed affiliation with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). The main purpos …
HB 327 “Divisive Concepts” Bill: What it is, and what you can do about it
Adverse Effects of HB 327 on Higher Education Based on a document written by Professor John Huss, Vice President, Akron-AAUP HB 322 and H …
Ad hoc Investment Criteria Committee
On Thursday, September 2, 2021, the Faculty Senate approved the formation an Ad hoc Investment Criteria Committee. This commit …
Faculty Care Fund
We would like to thank the 113 people who donated to the Faculty Care Fund. Because of their generosity, we were able to collect $86,695.29 …