AAUP Archives for the HB 327 “Divisive Concepts” Bill: What it is, and what you can do about it

HB 327 “Divisive Concepts” Bill: What it is, and what you can do about it
Adverse Effects of HB 327 on Higher Education Based on a document written by Professor John Huss, Vice President, Akron-AAUP HB 322 and H …
UA in the News
We noticed some news coverage has been missing from UA's Daily News Updates. We'll do our best to keep an updated list of news links here. …
Dear Akron-AAUP members, I would like to personally appeal for your support of our colleagues at Wright State’s chapter of the American A …
Other than online degree programs, this could be the biggest boondoggle ever foisted upon Ohio's college students
From the blog City Beat: Excerpts from: Robin Hood in Reverse: How universities force working-class students to pay thousands of dollars …
From The Ohio Conference of AAUP: Faculty Provisions Removed From HB 64
House Finance Committee Passes HB 64 Without Anti-Faculty Union Provisions Thanks in large part to the activism of our members and allies, t …