Your Chapter at Work
As we begin a new academic year at a time of continuing uncertainty, we would like to update you on what the chapter has been doing on behal …
Chapter Updates
New Grievance Officer Please join us in welcoming Brian Bagatto (Biology) as our new Grievance Officer (GO). We thank Brian for being wil …
A Call for Collective Action
Dear Colleagues, As we announced previously, the University of Akron Board of Trustees and the Akron-AAUP membership have voted to ratify o …
AAUP Adds University of Akron to COVID-19 Governance Investigation
President Miller responds to AAUP through an attorney. President Schulze responds to attorney's letter. The Un …
Media Coverage of the Akron-AAUP Survey on Administrative Leadership
Since the Akron-AAUP released its Survey on Administrative Leadership to the public on Friday, August 2, a number of media outlets have post …